Here's a quick post to mention the thing I've spent some evenings on recently that, for want of a halfway decent name, I called the Mashificator. If you've got any comments on it, here's where to make them since I've not put a feedback mechanism on the site. In short, it's a way to find cultural heritage content that's contextually relevant(ish) to whatever you happen to be looking at, the best way being through a bookmarklet. Please give it a go and let me know what's good and bad.
Seb Chan from the Powerhouse Museum (one of the APIs I used) was kind enough to do an e-mail interview with me for his Fresh + New(er) blog. If you don't know his blog, you really should.
Its Luke here from the Powerhouse Museum. I notice you say you can't get images working via our API.
If you send me an email on the api@phm dot gov dot au address I am more than happy to help you fix this.
Thank you for the comment and for the offer, Luke. At your prompting, I've been back to the API and found what I need. I'm pretty sure it wasn't there in October but maybe I just missed it; but either way there's now a thumbnail element which means I don't need to make a separate API call for each image. So the long and short is, Mashificator now shows PHM images. :D
Thanks for the API, it rocks!
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